CUET Coaching.
Over 200 universities have opted for the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) for admission to the undergraduate programmers so far, up from 90 universities last year, according to University Grants Commission officials.
CUET EXAM 2023 or Common University Entrance Test is a mandatory common entrance exam for admission in Undergraduate Programmes in 40+ Central Universities across India. State and Private universities can also adapt to the CUET admission criteria. The board will organize the exam in CBT (Computer Based Test) mode for the 2023 academic sessions by NTA.
The examination gives an opportunity for the students to be tested on their skills on the topics like- General aptitude, English, Reasoning, etc. One needs to prepare reasonably to be on the top of the merit list in the CUET EXAM Results. By 2023, the government advises that all the Central Universities will participate in CUET EXAM and conduct their admission process based on it.

There are three sections in the CUET Exam Pattern 2023: Languages, Domain, and General Test. Further, there are two subsections of the first section, Languages, where candidates can choose from 13 languages for the first subsection and 20 languages for the second. The domain subject part allows students to pick from 27 different domain subjects. The last part of the general test contains everything from General Awareness to Current Affairs, mental ability, numerical ability, etc. As this examination consists of negative markings, candidates must be careful while attempting the CUET exam. The CUET authorities will not review and access questions the candidates do not attempt. Unanswered questions would not have any impact on the final merit score.
Admissions to Central universities all over India are based on the CUET EXAM score. Therefore, a candidate has to put in a lot of effort to crack the examination with a merit score. CUET coaching, sample papers, mock tests, and previous years' examinations can help candidates score on the merit list.
Candidates should also go through the following points regarding CUET 2023 exam pattern:
Exam mode: The mode of the examination is online Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
Questions Type: The question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ).
Language: The exam includes 13 languages for the UG program.
Time Duration: The examination will be conducted on multiple days in three slots per day.
Note: Compensatory time for PwBD candidates of 20 minutes for each hour examination will be given.